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logical unit number中文是什么意思

用"logical unit number"造句"logical unit number"怎么读"logical unit number" in a sentence


  • 逻辑设备编号


  • Mask the logical unit number corresponding to the reporting volume to hide it from the reporting servers
    屏蔽与报表卷相对应的逻辑单元号码( lun ) ,使报表服务器无法识别该号码。
  • The first three numbers for each item refer to scsi bus , device id , and lun logical unit number , respectively
    每一项的前三个数字分别指scsi总线、设备标识和lun (逻辑单元号, logical unit number ) 。
  • Unmask the logical unit number corresponding to each reporting volume to make the volume accessible to the production server
    取消与每个报表卷相对应的逻辑单元号码( lun )的掩码,以使生产服务器可以访问该卷。
  • Using your hardware vendor s utilities , unmask the logical unit number corresponding to each reporting volume to make the volume accessible to the production server
    使用硬件供应商的实用工具,公开对应于每个报表卷的逻辑单元号码( lun )以使生产服务器可访问到该卷。
用"logical unit number"造句  


In computer storage, a logical unit number, or LUN, is a number used to identify a logical unit, which is a device addressed by the SCSI protocol or protocols which encapsulate SCSI, such as Fibre Channel or iSCSI. A LUN may be used with any device which supports read/write operations, such as a tape drive, but is most often used to refer to a logical disk as created on a SAN.
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